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God has given His vision to harvest the crop in our area and around and in the world.
By the grace of God we go to unreached people by His guidance. We Conduct healing and evangelistic crusades.We move with the move of HolySpirit.We go to villages, rural areas, whereever HolySpirit lead us.

Now God has made possible for us and opened gates for us to evangeise in those areas where mostly people are negelected.

  And how shall they preach, except they be sent?as it is written, how beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good thing. Romans 10:15 As it is written how can they preach untill they are send? in pakistan we have many opportunities to reach the unreach people to save them for the kingdom of God. For this pupose we always need funds. We welcome donars to sponsor our Pastors, evangelists to move from Jerusalem to the uttermost part of the earth.

Pastor Alvin john with Pastor Boonyong from thailand
  God has anointed me to preach unto the uttermost parts of the world

God has given me His vision to preach locally, nationally and internationally. Lets us share the word of God to all to empower the body of Christ.The gospel is for every one. God has given me passion for the healing of sickness of people. We conduct healing crusades in our area and around and God is working in wonderful way.

People are being healed form many sickness e.g. Cancer, T.B. , Sugar, Skin Diseases and over all people are being saved for the Kingdom of God.


And, behold, I come quikly and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shaa be. REVLATION 22:12